Casual Residential Support Workers

  • Kenora
  • Canadian Mental Health Association

Casual Residential Support Workers for two housing programs operated by the Canadian Mental Health Association Kenora Branch : Kenora Supportive Housing Program Safe Bed Program

The Residential Support Worker is responsible for supporting individuals while facilitating an atmosphere of safety, independence, social interaction, and community involvement. The Residential Support Worker will work alone for twelve-hour shifts to facilitate 24/7 shift coverage.

For the Kenora Supportive Housing Program this includes participating as a member of a team of professionals whose focus is safety, stability, and support for individuals with serious mental illness who would otherwise experience homelessness or near homelessness. The Residential Support Worker will work twelve-hour shifts to facilitate 24/7 shift coverage. They will participate as a member of a team of professionals whose focus is safety, stability, and support for individuals with serious mental illness who would otherwise experience homelessness or near homelessness. The team will include the resident/client, residential support worker, Case Manager of the Kenora Supportive Housing Program, community case manager or ACT Team and other residential staff members.

For the Safe Bed Program, the individual will participate as a member of a team of professionals whose focus is safety, stability and support for individuals who are medically stable, not a safety risk to themselves or others, and are therefore, not suitable for hospital admission or criminal detention. The Residential Support Worker will work the following shifts: twelve-hour shifts to facilitate 24/7 shift coverage, eight hour shifts in the evening to facilitate overnight shift coverage from 7:00 p.m. 3:00 a.m. and eight hour shifts on the weekends from 11:00 a.m. -.7:00 p.m. They will participate as a member of a team of professionals whose focus is safety, stability, and support for individuals in a mental health crisis and in immediate contact with the police. The team will include the resident/client, residential support workers, Team Lead, nursing staff (both internal and external),Counselling & Treatment Team staff, Case Manager for the Safe Bed Program and Addiction Specialist from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Kenora Branch, community services providers and other residential staff members.

Qualifications :

  • Diploma in social sciences or human services an asset, High School Graduation Diploma minimum
  • Experience working with individuals with mental health struggles and/or demonstrated ability to work withvulnerable populations
  • Personal qualities of empathy, understanding, patience
  • Ability to participate side by side with individuals to accomplish tasks and develop meaningful activities
  • Ability to carry out and role model activities of daily living l;
  • Case management, advocacy and recording skills
  • Understanding and applied knowledge of Recovery Model
  • Understanding of trauma informed practice and implementation
  • Good Interpersonal communication and relationship building skills
  • Ability to communicate professionally with community agencies
  • Knowledge of community resources
  • Cultural competence for diverse populations
  • Good documentation skills an asset
  • Proficient in computer skills
  • Demonstrated understanding of personal space and the ability to role model healthy boundaries
  • Ability to manage conflict and crisis situations
  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment

Duties :

  • Adherence to all policies of Canadian Mental Health Association, Kenora Branch
  • Side by side support/teaching in activities and skills of daily living
  • Ensure medications are appropriately stored and delivered to clients at the appropriate times anddosages, and documented
  • Supporting clients with developing, participating, and following through with recovery plans/coordinatedcare plans
  • Outreach and support with clients as directed by the Safe Bed Program Team Lead & Chief ExecutiveOfficer
  • Ensure the safety and security of all residents during shift, including interpersonal safety and security ofthe residence
  • Monitor individual recovery plan/coordinated care plan compliance and changes in mental healthsymptoms
  • Interface with community services and programs with and on behalf of residents
  • Plan for groceries, meals, household maintenance and supplies in conjunction with other residentialsupport staff
  • Ensure the completion of shift responsibilities and routines as identified in agency policy and procedures
  • Maintenance of client files and data files including updating of client information consistent with agencypolicies and procedures
  • Attend monthly staff meetings and educational/training opportunities as required
  • Documentation of all shift changes using the electronic scheduling software and follow agency policiesand procedures
  • Participate on specific committees or working groups as assigned by the Chief Executive Officer