Pre-clinical Imaging Facility Manager (Ft)

  • Ottawa
  • Ottawa Hospital And Region Imaging Associates

The Pre-Clinical Imaging (PCI) core, based in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, is a state-of-the-art imaging facility which includes MRI, optical, and ultrasound equipment. The core was funded through a major grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (through significant matching funds) was a key co-founder of the core, along with the Faculty of Medicine. The core’s main purpose is to support basic and clinical research through the provision of cutting edge, high-resolution imaging equipment and expertise.

  • Approx. users in the faculty: 40 researchers, 200 postdoctoral fellows, technicians, and Ph.D. and M.Sc. graduate students.


  • Manage and supervise all PCI Core Facility equipment in the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Manage any individuals who are part of the PCI core facility (other than the director).
  • Ensure the imaging machines are functional, which includes coordinating annual maintenance and occasional repairs.
  • Provide training for users (researchers, technicians, postdoctoral fellow, graduate students, undergraduate students, visitors) requiring direct use of the equipment (except the MRI) including providing and developing training material
  • Minimize the probability of equipment damage by providing training and supervision.
  • Manage development of protocols for, and carry out operation of, the MRI machine by the MRI physicist.
  • Provide support to researchers ranging from management of the core facility to hands-on imaging services.
  • Provide support in all aspects of research projects and facilitate all researchers on short notice.
  • Engage in scholarly activities to gain/maintain necessary expertise on the latest technology, including attendance of relevant conferences, seminars, training sessions, and workshops.
  • Ensure good communication with users and learn their aims and needs
  • Liaison frequently with veterinary staff regarding equipment location, maintenance, animal care, animal handling, and scheduling.
  • Liaison frequently with The Department of Radiology regarding MRI protocols and proper interpretation of images.
  • Assist researchers with grant, abstract, and journal article preparation.
  • Perform regular statistics including tracking and updating a publication list
  • Grow Core usage by building collaborative networks and garnering external research contracts.
  • Oversee end to end research projects for external users in collaboration with local users and animal services
  • Engage in activities leading to acquiring external clients in coordination with Innovation Support Services
  • Develop independent research program utilizing core infrastructure.
  • Coordinate new purchases, demos, and installations of equipment with all relevant facilities and departments.
  • Maintain networks with other core facility managers and associations to continuously develop the core infrastructure and management
  • Take part in all decisions regarding the core management and inclusions of new equipment.


  • Generate fees by means of billing researchers for time and equipment use to cover partial or total cost of service contracts and operational expenses.
  • Control efficiency of budgetary expenses, oversee expenses over revenues.
  • Contact service providers to maintain standing services rendered.
  • Prepare and forecast budget expenses.
  • Serve as co-investigator or collaborator on faculty-led grants if needed.
  • Collaborate with the Faculty Health and Safety Officers, monitor and ensure safe workplace practice and follow protocols for the requirement of health and safety legislations.
  • Give talks and seminars to market the PCI core and disseminate research accomplishments from PCI projects.
  • Attend Research Day events in the form of virtual booths to present the core facility.
  • Maintain social media presence on the PCI Core Facility accounts LinkedIn and Twitter.


Essential qualifications :

  • Minimum education required: PhD in biological sciences with experience in preclinical in vivo research and imaging.
  • Minimum 1 year of postdoctoral fellowship.
  • Knowledge of research methodologies, animal handling and lab protocols.
  • Knowledge and/or experience with at least one imaging technique used at the Core Facility (optical imaging, ultrasound, intravital microscopy, MRI).
  • Knowledge of MRI physics, normally acquired through post-secondary education or equivalent experience is an asset.
  • Ability to learn different in vivo imaging techniques.
  • Maintain scientific knowledge to provide advice on the latest scientific advances and new technologies in the field which might benefit researchers using the facility.
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience designing, developing, and managing projects in a research-intensive environment. More years are preferred.
  • Strong working knowledge of the basic science environment for the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Must be able to d