Speech Language Pathologist

  • Halifax
  • Halifax Regional Centre For Education (hrce)

Work Location: Sackville Heights Elementary

Revised June 2, 2021



Speech Language Pathologist - Program Scope of Responsibilities

The Speech Language Pathologist is the professional who supports students with communication disorders through direct service and program development, within the Planning Process, through the provision of specialized knowledge and skills. Consistent with the Department of Education's Special Education policies and Halifax Regional Centre for Education policies, the Speech-Language Pathologist will work within an established framework for the delivery of specialized services to students. Working collaboratively in a team environment, the Speech-Language Pathologist reports directly to the designated School Principal. Competencies Required

A Speech Language Pathologist in the Halifax Regional Centre for Education shall have the following competencies: (b) The ability to plan program goals and designated outcomes for students; (c) The ability to implement strategies, activities and techniques for promoting quality student performance in communication and language development; (d) The ability to assess communication and language learning outcomes achieved by students using a variety of assessment procedures (e.g., formal and informal testing, observation, ongoing monitoring of performance); (e) The ability to address the learning styles of students; (f) The ability to work as a contributing team member; (g) The ability to effectively contribute to an individual program plan for students with special needs; (h) The ability to support a climate of respect and fairness for all students; (i) The ability to administer and interpret standardized assessment tools and recommend programming that recognized diverse populations; (k) The ability to utilize current technologies; (m) The ability to work and communicate effectively within the Halifax Regional Centre for Education, with students, parents/guardians, community members and external groups such as government agencies; (n) The ability and desire to engage in continuing education and professional development; (o) The ability to maintain and promote confidentiality.


2 Revised June 2, 2021

Qualifications : (a) Masters Degree in Human Communication Disorders or acceptable equivalent; (b) Eligible for registration with the Nova Scotia College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists;

Specific Job Components A Speech Language Pathologist in the Halifax Regional Centre for Education shall perform tasks as assigned by a School Principal. These tasks may vary from time to time with the evolution of the organization and may include, but are not limited to the following: (a) Participation on school teams to assist in problem solving and program planning, as needed; (b) Development and implementation of intervention strategies and support

consistent with the student's communication and language profile; (c) Use of a variety of service delivery strategies such as direct individual or group therapy, school program, consultation, home program; (d) Collaboration in the development and implementation of Individual Program

Plans; (e) Monitor the progress of specific communication and language goals; (f) Other duties as required.